Monday, July 23, 2012

Salvete discipuli!

I'm looking forward to a wonderful new year with you all. 
Posts relevant to your class level will be noted in the title of the post. Here you will be able to access handouts and syllabi, as well as helpful websites to aid your studies and to enhance your experience in Latin class. You can also upload files and documents to share with me and your classmates. 

Keep in mind that all the work you complete on this blog must adhere to Benedictine's acceptable use policy for computer use, found in your Student Handbook. 

  1. Post using your real name (or a recognizable version).
  2. Shoot for a professional tone, including editing your writing for grammar/spelling as best you can.
  3. Keep your posts relevant; try not to go off-topic.
  4. Absolutely no insults, foul language, or hate speech of any kind will be tolerated. Normal discipline measures apply.

Magistra Roberts