Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Latin I: Latin Classroom Powerpoint

Here's a link to where you can review the powerpoint I presented on Tuesday:

Adv. Latin: Geography of the Underworld

After a quick Google search, here are some visual aids concerning the Underworld:

Adv. Latin: Concerning "su" in scansion....

According to Gavin Betts’ Teach Yourself Latin:

Su pronounced 'sw' (similar to gu and qu) 'in all forms (and compounds and derivatives) of the two verbs suadeo (swadeo) and suesco (swesko), in the adjective suavis (swawis) and the proper noun suebi (sweybee).'

...So this includes mansuecere in line 7, thus why you don't scan the "u"!

Additionally good to note:

The diphthong oe in the verb coegi 'must be pronounced as two separate vowels' (ko-ey-gee). 

....So when scanning line 17, don't treat "oe" in coercet as a diphthong. 

The more you know....

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Assignment

Salvete omnes,

Your first assignment for Latin this year is meant to familiarize you with our blog, and also to allow you to earn an easy 100 quiz grade.

In the links to your right you will find a link to your class syllabus. You may print this out if you would like, or you can always reference it here (and also on your NetCadet account). You and your parents need to read through the syllabus together.

After you have read through the syllabus, print out the Syllabus Sign-off Sheet. You and your parent(s) need to sign it. This sheet is due back to me by Friday in order to get a 100 quiz grade. Don't miss this opportunity to start the year off right!

Feel free to comment here or to email me if you have any questions.

- Magistra Roberts